
Radiopharma Series Part 2: The Pioneering Roots of Radiopharma

By: David Grew MD MPH

“The curiosity and dedication of Becquerel, Marie Curie and others opened a Pandora's box of possibilities still being explored today.”

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From the Curies’ Shed to Cyclotrons: The Pioneering Roots of Radiopharma

While radiopharmaceuticals now represent the avant-garde of precision medicine, their early beginnings were borne out of scientific curiosity and painstaking empirical research. The pioneering work of trailblazers who first explored the mysteries of radioactivity set a course for continuous innovation that has evolved into the modern radiopharmaceutical landscape.  

In Part 2 of PRIMR's Radiopharmaceutical Blog Series, we'll delve into the pioneering days of radiopharmaceuticals. We'll uncover how the inquisitive minds of the era's brightest scientists uncovered the potential of radioactive materials through methodical investigation and experimentation. Their work laid the essential groundwork that ultimately led to the translation of radioisotopes into diagnostic and therapeutic applications for the treatment of disease.

Buckle up - this blog is longer. But we wouldn’t have cyclotrons without the Curies’ shed.  So worth the read if you (like me) want to learn about how the long arc of history shaped where we are in Radiopharma today.

The Accidental Discovery That Sparked a Scientific Revolution

In the late 1800s, the world of science was about to be rocked by a chance discovery that would open up an entirely new field of study - radioactivity. The pioneers who unlocked this mystery were a trio of brilliant minds whose experiments – though unintentional at first – laid the foundations for nuclear medicine as we know it today.

It all began in 1896 when French physicist Antoine Henri Becquerel made an offhand observation that would prove profound. Becquerel had been investigating whether naturally fluorescent minerals could be made to emit X-rays after exposure to sunlight, building on the recent discovery of X-rays by Wilhelm Röntgen. On a whim one cloudy day, Becquerel stashed some uranium salts wrapped in black photographic plates in a drawer, thinking the dim light wouldn't amount to anything.

Weeks later, when he developed the plates, Becquerel was astonished to find them fogged - the uranium salts had burned their image into the film, despite the complete darkness! This indicated some new, penetrating type of energy emission was occurring spontaneously from the uranium itself. Becquerel had stumbled upon radioactivity.

Intrigued by this finding, a young scientist named Marie Curie decided to investigate further with her husband Pierre. Working tirelessly in a converted shed that served as their lab, the Curies systematically analyzed different elements and compounds, measuring their ability to fog photographic plates. They coined the term "radioactivity" to describe this mysterious phenomenon.

In a pivotal experiment, Marie Curie exposed a highly radioactive pitchblende (uranium ore) sample to the cold of a brutal Parisian winter. To her surprise, the radioactivity remained just as intense, proving it was an atomic property unaffected by environmental conditions. This was a radical concept at the time.

The Curies' painstaking work allowed them to isolate two new highly radioactive elements from pitchblende - the aptly named polonium (after Marie's homeland) and radium. Tragically, their pioneering research came at a personal cost, as the couple's exposure to intense radiation levels eventually claimed their lives from radiation sickness.

But their monumental discoveries transformed our understanding of atomic structure and energy. The Curies' work ushered in a new era of scientific inquiry into the subatomic world and the vast potential of harnessing radioactivity for applications like nuclear power and medicine.

From humble accidental beginnings in a dim lab, radioactivity emerged as a revolutionary force that would reshape science and technology for the 20th century and beyond. The curiosity and dedication of Becquerel, Marie Curie and others opened a Pandora's box of possibilities still being explored today.

Radioactive Tracers Mark the Beginning of Nuclear Medicine

In the early 20th century, the pioneering work of the Curies, Becquerel and others unlocked the mysteries of radioactivity and its properties. Scientists quickly began exploring potential applications of these remarkable discoveries. One creative mind who helped spark the field of nuclear medicine was Hungarian chemist George de Hevesy.

In a lighthearted but significant experiment in 1913, de Hevesy used radioactive tracers to solve a whimsical dispute among his friends. He employed tiny amounts of a radioactive isotope to secretly label one group's food, then used a simple detector to verify that the other group was indeed recycling the leftovers against the hostess's wishes! While de Hevesy's experiment with radioactive tracers to detect recycled food was an amusing anecdote, it represented the pioneering beginnings of a revolutionary technique.

De Hevesy quickly realized the immense potential of using radioactive isotopes as tracers to study biological processes and chemical reactions. This marked the birth of the radiotracer methodology that would become a cornerstone of nuclear medicine.

Breakthroughs in Nuclear Physics and Chemistry Enable Nuclear Medicine

Building on the pioneering work of Becquerel, the Curies and others, scientists made rapid advances in understanding the nature of radioactivity and harnessing radioactive materials for practical applications.

In 1937, Glenn Seaborg received his PhD in nuclear chemistry from UC Berkeley, and in 1939 Ernest Lawrence, also at Berkeley, won the Nobel Prize for inventing the cyclotron. These developments allowed the production of new radioactive isotopes that could be used as tracers. A key breakthrough came in 1943 when George de Hevesy was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work using radioactive isotopes as tracers to study chemical processes in living organisms.

De Hevesy's radiotracer methodology, combined with the Joliot-Curies' discovery of artificial radioactivity in 1934, provided the fundamental tools and concepts that launched nuclear medicine. By the 1950s, radioactive isotopes were being applied in an increasing number of medical applications, from cancer treatment to diagnostic imaging.

The 1950s also saw the establishment of national laboratories and the passage of the Atomic Energy Act, which further accelerated the growth of nuclear science and its medical applications. Researchers like Glenn Seaborg continued to push the boundaries, jointly earning the Nobel Prize in 1951 for discovering new transuranium elements and elucidating their chemistry.

These pioneers laid the groundwork for the rapid expansion of nuclear medicine in the decades that followed. Radioactive iodine therapy, pioneered by Saul Hertz in the 1940s, became a seminal discovery that is still used today to treat thyroid cancer. Bone scintigraphy, which can trace its origins to de Hevesy's work on phosphorus metabolism in rats, became a widely used diagnostic tool.

The breakthroughs of the early nuclear age, from the discovery of the neutron to the invention of the cyclotron, enabled the production of new radioactive tracers and the development of foundational concepts like the radiotracer principle.  This laid the essential groundwork that allowed nuclear medicine to emerge as a distinct field and advance rapidly in the mid-20th century. The pioneers of this era set the stage for the many diagnostic and therapeutic applications of radioisotopes in medicine today.

Early Clinical Applications of Nuclear Medicine

The 1930s saw the first clinical applications of nuclear medicine for cancer therapy, building on the pioneering physiologic tracer studies of that decade. In 1937, radioactive phosphorus-32 (32P) was used to treat leukemia, marking the beginning of nuclear oncology. Just a few years later in 1942, radioactive iodine-131 (131I) was applied to treat thyroid cancer, a seminal discovery that is still used today.

In the 1950s and 60s, a variety of radioactive elements and labeled compounds were explored as physiologic markers and organ-specific imaging agents. As nuclear imaging technology advanced, particularly with the development of the gamma camera, diagnostic nuclear medicine began to take the forefront. Imaging for cancer diagnosis and staging became a major focus.

Technetium-99m (99mTc) emerged as a game-changing radionuclide for medical imaging in the 1970s. The introduction of 99mTc generators made the isotope widely available, while radiochemists worked out its versatile chemistry for labeling new imaging compounds. Technetium-99m became the workhorse of nuclear medicine, used in a wide range of diagnostic procedures.

Bone scintigraphy with 99mTc-labeled phosphates and phosphonates rapidly became a crucial tool for detecting bone metastases. These agents preferentially localize in areas of increased bone turnover, allowing sensitive visualization of skeletal lesions. Bone scans could often detect metastases earlier than X-rays. They also proved valuable for monitoring response to cancer treatments.

Radioiodine continued to play a key role, particularly in the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer. Radioiodine scans could accurately localize residual thyroid tissue and metastatic lesions in differentiated thyroid cancer patients after thyroidectomy. Radioactive iodine therapy was used to ablate thyroid remnants and treat metastatic disease.

Other early nuclear oncology agents included gallium-67 citrate, which showed selective uptake in certain tumors like lymphoma. While not truly tumor-specific, gallium scans found a role in staging and monitoring some cancers.

These pioneering applications in the mid-20th century laid the foundation for the rapid growth of nuclear oncology in the decades that followed. Technetium-99m, radioiodine, and other radiopharmaceuticals became indispensable tools for cancer diagnosis, staging, and treatment monitoring. The ability to non-invasively image and target tumors with radiation opened up new frontiers in precision medicine.

Regulatory Framework and Standardization Pave the Way for Nuclear Medicine Advancements

The rapid growth of nuclear medicine in the mid-20th century necessitated the development of a robust regulatory framework to ensure the safety and efficacy of radiopharmaceuticals. In the United States, the formation of the FDA in 1906 and its subsequent expansion provided the foundation for regulating these novel medical products.

In 1997, the FDA Modernization Act gave special attention to PET drugs, which had previously been exempt from certain requirements. This led to the establishment of Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs) and approval procedures tailored for PET radiopharmaceuticals. The FDA published regulations in 2009 describing the minimum CGMP standards for PET drug manufacturers.

The close collaboration between industry, government agencies, and academic medical centers was crucial in creating the modern regulatory environment for nuclear medicine. Professional organizations like the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) and the American College of Nuclear Physicians (ACNP) worked with the NRC to address regulatory issues and ensure the safe use of radiopharmaceuticals.

However, challenges remain in harmonizing guidelines across countries and recognizing the unique characteristics of radiopharmaceuticals within existing pharmaceutical regulations. Initiatives like the SAMIRA study in the EU aim to support the development of novel radionuclides and radiopharmaceuticals. Collaboration between regulators, producers, researchers, and clinicians is key to ensuring a suitable framework that facilitates patient access while maintaining safety standards.

The evolution of nuclear medicine regulation, from its early beginnings to the modern, risk-based approach, has been essential for the field's advancement. By establishing standards, guidelines, and approval pathways tailored to radiopharmaceuticals, regulatory bodies have enabled the translation of cutting-edge research into safe and effective clinical applications that benefit patients worldwide.


What were some of the key early discoveries that laid the foundation for nuclear medicine?

The discovery of radioactivity by Henri Becquerel in 1896, followed by the pioneering work of Marie and Pierre Curie, was foundational. In the early 20th century, George de Hevesy's use of radioactive tracers to study biological processes, and the Joliot-Curies' discovery of artificial radioactivity, provided the essential concepts and tools that launched nuclear medicine. Breakthroughs in nuclear physics and chemistry in the 1930s-50s, such as the invention of the cyclotron and the production of new isotopes, further enabled the field to advance rapidly.

What were some of the first clinical applications of nuclear medicine?

In the 1930s, radioactive phosphorus-32 was used to treat leukemia, marking the beginning of nuclear oncology. Radioactive iodine-131 was applied to treat thyroid cancer starting in 1942, a seminal discovery still used today. In the 1950s-60s, various radioactive compounds were explored as imaging agents. Technetium-99m emerged as a game-changing radionuclide for medical imaging in the 1970s, enabling bone scans to detect metastases and radioiodine scans to localize thyroid cancer. These pioneering applications laid the foundation for nuclear oncology's rapid growth.

How did the regulatory framework evolve to support the advancement of nuclear medicine?

The formation of the FDA in 1906 provided the foundation for regulating radiopharmaceuticals in the US. In 1997, the FDA Modernization Act gave special attention to PET drugs, leading to CGMP standards and approval procedures tailored for these products. Close collaboration between industry, government, and academia was crucial in creating the modern regulatory environment. Today, radiopharmaceuticals are primarily regulated by the FDA's CDER, covering the entire product lifecycle. Challenges remain in harmonizing guidelines across countries and recognizing the unique characteristics of radiopharmaceuticals within existing pharmaceutical regulations.